57 research outputs found

    Crossover in the nature of the metallic phases in the perovskite-type RNiO_3

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    We have measured the photoemission spectra of Nd1−x_{1-x}Smx_{x}NiO3_{3}, where the metal-insulator transition and the N\'{e}el ordering occur at the same temperature for xâ‰Č0.4x \lesssim 0.4 and the metal-insulator transition temperature (TMIT_{MI}) is higher than the N\'{e}el temperature for x≳0.4x \gtrsim 0.4. For x≀0.4x \le 0.4, the spectral intensity at the Fermi level is high in the metallic phase above TMIT_{MI} and gradually decreases with cooling in the insulating phase below TMIT_{MI} while for x>0.4x > 0.4 it shows a pseudogap-like behavior above TMIT_{MI} and further diminishes below TMIT_{MI}. The results clearly establish that there is a sharp change in the nature of the electronic correlations in the middle (x∌0.4x \sim 0.4) of the metallic phase of the RRNiO3_3 system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Progress in Detection and Projection of Climate Change in Spain since the 2010 CLIVAR-Spain regional climate change assessment report

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    The Iberian Peninsula region offers a challenging benchmark for climate variability studies for several reasons. It exhibits a wide variety of climatic regimes, ranging from wet Atlantic climates with annual precipitation around 2000 mm, to extensive semiarid regions with severe hydrological stress, to even cold alpine environments in some isolated areas

    Charge disproportionation in YNiO3_{3} : ESR and susceptibility study

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    We present a study of the magnetic properties of YNiO3_{3} in the paramagnetic range, above and below the metal-insulator (MI) transition. The dc susceptibility, χdc\chi_{dc} (measured up to 1000 K) is a decreasing function of T for T>T >150 K (the N\'{e}el temperature) and we observe two different Curie-Weiss regimes corresponding to the metallic and insulator phases. In the metallic phase, this behaviour seems to be associated with the small ionic radius of Y% 3+^{3+}. The value of the Curie constant for T<< TMI_{MI} allows us to discard the possibility of Ni3+^{3+} localization. An electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrum is visible in the insulator phase and only a fraction of the Ni ions contributes to this resonance. We explain the ESR and χdc\chi _{dc} behaviour for T << TMI_{MI} in terms of charge disproportionation of the type 2Ni% ^{3+}\to Ni2+^{2+}+Ni4+,^{4+}, that is compatible with the previously observed structural transition across TMI_{MI}.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Planck intermediate results. VIII. Filaments between interacting clusters

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    About half of the baryons of the Universe are expected to be in the form of filaments of hot and low density intergalactic medium. Most of these baryons remain undetected even by the most advanced X-ray observatories which are limited in sensitivity to the diffuse low density medium. The Planck satellite has provided hundreds of detections of the hot gas in clusters of galaxies via the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (tSZ) effect and is an ideal instrument for studying extended low density media through the tSZ effect. In this paper we use the Planck data to search for signatures of a fraction of these missing baryons between pairs of galaxy clusters. Cluster pairs are good candidates for searching for the hotter and denser phase of the intergalactic medium (which is more easily observed through the SZ effect). Using an X-ray catalogue of clusters and the Planck data, we select physical pairs of clusters as candidates. Using the Planck data we construct a local map of the tSZ effect centered on each pair of galaxy clusters. ROSAT data is used to construct X-ray maps of these pairs. After having modelled and subtracted the tSZ effect and X-ray emission for each cluster in the pair we study the residuals on both the SZ and X-ray maps. For the merging cluster pair A399-A401 we observe a significant tSZ effect signal in the intercluster region beyond the virial radii of the clusters. A joint X-ray SZ analysis allows us to constrain the temperature and density of this intercluster medium. We obtain a temperature of kT = 7.1 +- 0.9, keV (consistent with previous estimates) and a baryon density of (3.7 +- 0.2)x10^-4, cm^-3. The Planck satellite mission has provided the first SZ detection of the hot and diffuse intercluster gas.Comment: Accepted by A&

    Planck intermediate results: VIII. Filaments between interacting clusters

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    Planck intermediate results V : Pressure profiles of galaxy clusters from the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect

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    This article has an erratum: http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201220040ePeer reviewe

    Planck intermediate results: IV. the XMM-Newton validation programme for new Planck galaxy clusters

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    Planck intermediate results: III. the relation between galaxy cluster mass and Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal

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    We examine the relation between the galaxy cluster mass M and Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect signal DA2 Y500 for a sample of 19 objects for which weak lensing (WL) mass measurements obtained from Subaru Telescope data are available in the literature. Hydrostatic X-ray masses are derived from XMM-Newton archive data, and the SZ effect signal is measured from Planck all-sky survey data. We find an MWL-D A2 Y500 relation that is consistent in slope and normalisation with previous determinations using weak lensing masses; however, there is a normalisation offset with respect to previous measures based on hydrostatic X-ray mass-proxy relations. We verify that our SZ effect measurements are in excellent agreement with previous determinations from Planck data. For the present sample, the hydrostatic X-ray masses at R500 are on average ~ 20 percent larger than the corresponding weak lensing masses, which is contrary to expectations. We show that the mass discrepancy is driven by a difference in mass concentration as measured by the two methods and, for the present sample, that the mass discrepancy and difference in mass concentration are especially large for disturbed systems. The mass discrepancy is also linked to the offset in centres used by the X-ray and weak lensing analyses, which again is most important in disturbed systems. We outline several approaches that are needed to help achieve convergence in cluster mass measurement with X-ray and weak lensing observations. © ESO, 2013

    Planck early results. XXVI. Detection with Planck and confirmation by XMM-Newton of PLCK G266.6-27.3, an exceptionally X-ray luminous and massive galaxy cluster at z ~ 1

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